Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
“When we deny our emotion, it owns us. When we own our emotion, we can rebuild and find our way through the pain.”
- Brené Brown
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is the most widely used intervention among therapists, as research has proven time and again that it is very successful in reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety. The foundation of CBT is the relationship between thoughts, behaviors and emotions. Using this approach, I can help you identify and become aware of your core beliefs, how those beliefs relate to the way you feel, and ultimately how that determines the way you act.
We all have an inner voice, which can be very negative and highly critical at times, and it is often so loud that it is difficult to hear anything else. This voice is the story we tell ourselves on repeat, and if it’s only focusing on the negative aspects of our lives, it stops reflecting reality. But there is hope. We can always choose to tell ourselves a different story. A story that reminds us of our strengths, abilities, and worthiness.
I can help you rewrite that inner dialogue. I will work alongside you to tease apart your story and break it into more manageable parts. Once we are able to separate and learn how these aspects affect one another, we will start the rebuilding process. A process where you get to take back control of your life. A life that is worth living. A life that you deserve.